Umbrella Branding Strategy: Strengthening Brand Identity Effectively

Umbrella branding, or branded house, is a marketing strategy where a company adopts a single leading brand to market various products. This approach enables the company to build a consistent and strong brand identity across its entire product line. By leveraging a well-established leading brand, companies can increase brand awareness in the market and utilize...

Jun Waide, Building Prosperity for MSMEs and Employees in Indonesia through VENTENY

Indonesia, with its abundant economic potential and diverse economy, plays a crucial role in developing the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) sector within the country’s economic landscape. MSMEs not only significantly contribute to job creation but also serve as the backbone driving local economies and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. However, empowerment for the well-being...

VENTENY Highlights Strong Performance at the 2023 Public Expose

PT VENTENY Fortuna International, Tbk. (“Company/VENTENY”) held a Public Expose (Pubex) at the Westin Hotel Jakarta, which was also broadcast virtually. Some of the highlights discussed at today’s Public Expose include the presentation of VENTENY’s positive performance in the first semester of 2023, the announcement of corporate rating by Kredit Rating Indonesia (KRI), VENTENY’s collaboration...

VENTENY’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), Strengthening Business with Technology Development and Business Expansion

PT VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (VTNY) has conducted an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) attended by the Board of Directors, Commissioners, and Shareholders of the Company. This meeting occurred at VENTENY’s headquarters in Jakarta, chaired by President Commissioner Chandra Firmanto. During the EGMS activity, there were two agenda items presented. The first amendment is...

Menguatkan Ekosistem Bisnis Finansial, VENTENY Memperoleh Izin Efektif dari OJK Sebagai Pemegang Saham Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending di Indonesia

Jakarta, 16 November 2023 – PT VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (“VENTENY”) sukses mendapatkan izin efektif dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (“OJK) untuk menambahkan PT Lampung Berkah Finansial Teknologi (“Lahan Sikam”) sebagai entitas anak perusahaan melalui penyetoran modal sebesar 51%. Aksi korporasi antara VENTENY dan Lahan Sikam ini menguatkan financial inclusion, sebagai konsep yang mendorong akses dan...

VENTENY Collaborates with Plastic Bank to Help Prevent 20,000 Kilograms of Plastic from Polluting the Environment and Empowering Collection Communities in Indonesia

Jakarta, 19 September 2023 – PT VENTENY Fortuna International Tbk (VENTENY) is collaborating with PT Plastic Bank Indonesia (“Plastic Bank”) to collect more than 20,000 kilograms of plastic waste, equivalent to 1,000,000 (one million) 500 ml plastic bottles by 2024, and prevent it from flowing into the ocean. Indonesia is known as a maritime nation...