BusinessJuly 7, 2022by VENTENY

Happy Employees Become One of the Keys to the Success of the MSME Business

Jakarta, 7 July 2022 – MSMEs need to start thinking about employee welfare so that businesses can grow and be sustainable.

Founder & Group CEO of PT VENTENY Fortuna International Jun Waide said, so far many MSMEs have paid less attention to employee welfare and have focused more on enlarging the business they are running.

“Many think that the cost of realizing employee happiness is a liability. Even though employees are assets that can make a company even bigger. But so far, many MSMEs have not realized this,” said Jun during a visit to the office, Thursday ( 7/7/2022).

One of them is by creating happiness for employees who work. “Creating employee happiness is an important thing for workers in MSMEs. There are many aspects that can create employee happiness,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Operating Officer of VENTENY Fortuna Indonesia, Damar Raditya explained that employee happiness can be achieved by providing various things that employees need, starting from financial facilities, health, education and employee lifestyle.

“It is admitted that the MSME scale is not as large as corporations. However, there are many ways to bring about employee happiness so as not to burden the company. You can do this by cooperating with other parties as service providers to meet the needs of employees,” he said.

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