Uncovering Corporate Strategy to Become the Target of Jobseekers

JAKARTA – Technology companies such as Google, Gojek and Tokopedia have become the target companies to work for in recent years. Apart from being in the midst of developing digital business, the organizational culture and benefits offered by companies have their own charm.

According to VENTENY Group Chief Operating Officer Damar Raditya, these companies have their own strategies in implementing organizational culture. First, determine clear values ​​for all employees. These values ​​can be in the form of mandatory policies, or habits that ultimately shape the culture in the work environment. For example, Tokopedia has values ​​called ‘3 DNA’ for all of its employees, namely focus on consumers, growth mindset, and make it happen, make it better. So that they don’t just become jargon, companies must ensure that employees understand the meaning behind these values ​​and their relation to company goals.

Second, understanding the needs and desires of employees as part of the motivation to work. The forms range from providing salaries and benefits commensurate with responsibilities, providing key facilities to lifestyle support, and managing working hours to encourage work life balance. The company’s presence in fulfilling these matters is able to motivate employees to exert their best potential for the company.

Third, the company’s role in creating employee happiness for employees. Google for example, they believe individual creativity and productivity are born from a pleasant work environment. For this reason, Google has chosen to provide perks or extra facilities that employees can enjoy on a daily basis such as break rooms, free meals, and games in the office, rather than holding employee outings.

The existence of this progressive culture cannot be separated from the influence of the millennial generation and generation Z which now dominate the workforce. “This generation has perspectives and characters that can be a strength for the company. They are progressive, open to change, and aware of their own qualities. Instead of continuing to sharpen the generation gap, companies can learn from their strengths in inspiring new organizational cultures. Because, in the future it will also benefit the company.” Damar said.

Apart from having an influence on the organizational culture, as job seekers they also tend to consider companies that support their quality as individuals, in addition to conventional factors such as salary and position.

Not All Companies Have The Privilege To Carry Out Cultural Transformation
As an HR-tech super-app company, VENTENY understands that not all companies have the privilege of changing organizational culture, or offering benefits that are sensitive to the developmental needs of the younger generation. Companies with an organizational culture that has been running for years and has a large number of employees, need internal dialogue and long adaptation in carrying out cultural transformation.

Apart from that, Damar also added that data and budget limitations, then the type of business model, were also a challenge in carrying out cultural transformation. Providing sports facilities and free meals certainly requires a company operating budget that is not small. Not all company business models can also implement remote working, for example conventional industries such as manufacturing and construction which require physical presence at work.

“Improving organizational culture doesn’t always have to be drastic changes. We want big companies with a culture that has been rooted for years to be able to adapt to changing times, and maintain their competitiveness in the labor market as well. These challenges have driven us to innovate to create a technology-based human resources management super app that is not limited to administrative matters, but rather progressive needs such as employee happiness. Companies can start making changes by adopting HR-Tech services such as VENTENY in meeting the needs of their employees.” Damar said.

One of the innovations from VENTENY is the V-Merchant feature which is here to meet the lifestyle of today’s workers, both from the aspects of health, entertainment, food and beverages, to daily needs. Companies can take advantage of V-Merchant as an alternative to providing benefits for employees without having to build certain facilities or infrastructure. This feature comes in the form of discount vouchers that employees can use. Although not fully borne by the company, these benefits provide an exclusive value that differentiates these employees from other company employees.

The selection of merchant partners by VENTENY also looks at the demands and lifestyle trends of the younger generation. For example, VENTENY understands the passion for coffee consumption among employees, so VENTENY partners with several favorite coffee brands that employees can choose from.

Currently the VENTENY mobile app can be accessed on the Android platform. In order to make its services more inclusive for employees and companies from all walks of life, VENTENY is expanding its services and expanding its market reach through the “Flash Sale 11.11” momentum on November 11, 2021.

On this occasion, VENTENY prepared an attractive promo from the V-Merchant feature so that aspects of the employee’s lifestyle can be met economically. These promos come from trusted VENTENY partners.

Apart from fulfilling a lifestyle, VENTENY also highlights the protection of employees from various risks. Through the Insurance feature, VENTENY expands the choice of health insurance by adding insurance that can cover critical illnesses that are vulnerable to employees. VENTENY also introduced gadget insurance to protect employees’ job support assets. The new version of the VENTENY mobile app will also be coming to the iOs platform at the end of November 2021.


First introduced to the Philippine market in 2015, through the VENTENY Inc operational office, VENTENY has won prestigious awards in its first 3 years of operation such as: Top 100 Start Up by Echelon (2017), Champion Financial Innovation Business Conference and FinTech Summit 2017. In addition to receiving this award, in April 2015 VENTENY Inc established VENTENY PTE LTD in Singapore, which was a strategic first step to enter Indonesia.

In 2019, VENTENY officially operates in Indonesia under the name PT VENTENY Matahari Indonesia. Effectively and efficiently in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, PT VENTENY Matahari Indonesia has made success by successfully improving business performance every month. This condition prompted the company to move the holding company from Singapore to Jakarta.

VENTENY is here to accommodate the various needs of employees in Indonesia. Through technology-based programs, VENTENY supports companies in Indonesia to achieve accelerated performance.

VENTENY works with third parties to provide several of its services, such as the Financial Technology Program (V-Nancial), the VENTENY Insurance & Protection Program or “VIP”, the Employee Benefits Program (V-Merchant), and the Education-Based Program. Technology (V-Academy).

VENTENY services have reached more than 250,000 users in the Philippines and more than 180,000 users in Indonesia. The VENTENY app can be downloaded on the Google Play Store for Android users and will soon be available on the App Store for iOS users.

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