EventJune 10, 2024by VENTENY

VENTENY Employee Super App Partnership With ARTOTEL as Part of Its Employee Benefits Program

ARTOTELGroup has officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT. VENTENY Fortuna Indonesia Tbk. (VENTENY) to launch the VENTENY Employee Super-App as part of its employee benefits program.  As a leading hotel management company that promotes local art and creative hospitality with a wide range of hotel brands, events, and merchandise, ARTOTELGroup believes that recruiting and retaining the best talent is one of the key influential factors to its business success.  As the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way employees navigate their career choices, companies are now expected to redefine and expand benefits to address their employees’ physical, mental, and financial well-being.

VENTENY Employee Super-App is a pioneer and the most prominent digital platform in this business ecosystem. It enables companies and business owners to cater to their employees’ needs and aspirations effectively and efficiently.  With four main pillars: Financial, Health, Education, and Lifestyle, VENTENY Employee Super-App is a gateway to employee happiness, eventually leading to higher productivity and business acceleration.  VENTENY Employee Super-App was first launched in Indonesia in. The app aims to solve several pain points that business leaders, specifically Human Resources professionals, have in providing and managing Employee Benefits programs for their employees.  This solution is hoped to help companies and leaders focus on their business accelerations by creating a happier and more productive workforce.

ARTOTELGroup has seen tremendous growth over the past few years, creating a distinctive customer experience in each hotel. In line with its greater vision of being the leading local hospitality management in Indonesia, ARTOTELGroup believes that employees are its most valuable asset. Therefore, it has become its mission to create an ideal place for employees to grow together by prioritizing their well-being and happiness. 

Harry Florentinus, Director of Human Resources for ARTOTELGroup, said, “Employees are an important asset for our Company, and we do an in-depth screening to recruit top talents to continue to push ARTOTELGroup forward together. Therefore, as a form of appreciation for our employees, we welcome the collaboration with VENTENY to provide more employee benefits. We are thrilled that VENTENY can be a vehicle for implementing our wishes.”

The signing ceremony was conducted at ARTOTEL Group Head Office in Jakarta, attended by ARTOTELGroup’s Director of Operations, Mr. Daniel Sunu Prasetyo, Director of Finance, Mr. Suwarna Dwipa, and Director of Human Resources, Mr. Harry Florentinus.  Mr. Damar Raditya, VENTENY’s Chief Operating Officer, explained, “This collaboration is an important momentum for VENTENY as it has been trusted to facilitate ARTOTELGroup in delivering a better experience for its employees through an integrated and digitally-empowered solution.  We hope the benefits available on the VENTENY Employee Super-App will bring happiness to all ARTOTEL Group employees and help them grow into a well-rounded workforce that enables ARTOTELGroup to further its business acceleration.”


VENTENY, through its technological innovation, creates a platform as a service consisting of four main pillars: financial technology, education technology, insurance technology, and lifestyle technology. With this innovation, the Company creates an ecosystem that will provide wider opportunities for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to grow and provide added value to their employees. This ecosystem will further accelerate their business and simultaneously spread happiness to their employees. The Company believes that the services offered will drive economic growth in Southeast Asia.

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